Tuesday, January 24, 2006

May I never see It again!!

Yesterday, I was FINALLY officially discharged from the NDC!! After more than 3 years, I can safely bid au revoir to that place!! I still have to wear my retainers at night though, to prevent my teeth from moving about too much. But that, is a personal choice, and so not counted. Woohoo!! After hearing a good year's worth of "indefinitelies" I am so happy to see the last of dentists!

It's not that I hate dentists, it's just that I'm so happy to be not trudging off to a far off clinic again. At least I had nice dentists...can't imagine facing one of those poker face strict-about-dental-hygiene kind.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! This day, the 23/01/2006 goes down in my personal history as "The Day I Got Off those Retainers Officially".


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