Wednesday, January 04, 2006


The stage is set.

Twelve contestants will compete to be the three finalists...and the winner gets all he/she needs to start his/her own fashion label.

Yup. If you don't still get what I'm driving at...forget it. You probably don't watch Project Runway and/or you live on a planet where the words 'runway' and 'catwalk' don't exist. It doesn't really matter if the words don't exist in your sphere. They hardly registered in mine.
So...this post is rather belated as I've only started watching PR like...three days ago on Monday. I caught a glimpse of the sci-fi episode and nothing more since then till now. Well I guess what caught my attention was dear ol' Wendy. The crazy bitch. More or less. Haha. Not really...the 'special episode' where they got back all the booted out contestants (all 9 of 'em) showed that apart from possessing a generally cool and calm head, Wendy (er..can't remember last names) is remarkably composed (COULD have been scripted of course - there is no reality in reality tv) and answered questions not vindictively (as expected) but logically and fairly. It doesn't help if the fellow she had a hand in booting out kept nodding his head as if in agreement with what she said. Having said that...Austin is just weird. What's with that hat and cape ensemble??? He looked like he was getting ready for some cosplay event. Or possibly an audition for the role of Count Dracula + Edward Scissorhands, which is a role I assume he created himself.

Right...enough of all those insults (some ppl can't help being a fop right? Or a bitch for that matter...) and let's get on to the proper comments. Project Runway, like most reality tv shows...aim to get the most varied and colourful of personalities together and pit them against each other in various tasks. Oh joy. A modern day gladiator fight, without the gore of course - gore became unfashionable after WWII. Funny how they like to portray the contestants as bitter rivals underneath a veneer of encouraging smiles and camaderie. The idea is far more ancient than you think. People are merely fighting with their minds rather than brute strength, scissors instead of swords. This goes back to how everyone seems to despise Wendy. Most are convinced she got into the final 3 by sheer backstabbing and strategy, and not by talent. Admittedly, her designs are rather dull compared to Jay's flamboyance or Cara Saun's well balanced designs that mix practicality with creativity (I like Cara Saun..most steady character in final 3)

Admittedly my views may be biased since I've watched like 1 and 1/2 episodes only. Then again, even if I've watched the entire series I'll probably still be biased.

P.S. I've just finished reading the latest in the Artemis Fowl series - 'Opal Deception'. Having completed it, I think I still enjoy 'The Eternity Code' better.


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