Saturday, January 16, 2010

Doubles or Nothing

It begins innocuously enough at Settler's. The air is fraught with tension, if only because I am unable to speak, my hand flying across the page as I scribble triangle after triangle. In frustration at the cries of "Pyramid! Pyramid!" I spread my elbows out to indicate wider - Egypt is what I am looking for, and instead I create a brown Nile when I knock over my ice lemon tea and stain my grey corduroys. 

Nevermind that - Morphus insists, small comfort though it was, that she has been the perpetrator of such countless acts (of creating Niles and Amazons) and I shouldn't be too distressed. After moping up at The Cathay, we wander back over to PS for Cartel, where promptly, as the Leng decides to get up from the table for bread - my pasta fork flips from the table and splotches onto my white top. I do not think I've had so many accidents in one day - it's appalling. And I had to resist running into Cotton O. to get a new skirt - or - a new something.

It's been a long time since I spilled things down my clothes but at least the stain's mostly out. Good. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First post of the New Year

Hello and welcome to the first post of the new year; belated yes, but at least it's here. I am a superstitious person but I shall endeavour to not jinx myself right at the beginning. I believe, irrational and ridiculous as it sounds, that blogging in direct relation to school work always ends up, in my case, in unplesantness in that area. As such, I shall refrain from naming names and allude in obscure ways to the events I want to talk about. Ask me directly if you really want to know.

Anyway, a couple of fantastic happenings and thoughtful lectures have made me begin to enjoy doing my major again. In the end, it is, like all academic focuses, incredibly puddle-like and which makes me understand, now more than ever, people's desire to go on learning, whether in the form of a second degree or a masters or phDs. Either way, I am glad for the good things that have dropped my way so early on in the semester and for lectures that have rekindled my desire for learning and for that I am thankful. I do not know what this year will bring but perhaps, now, I feel as if I can run out and meet it - monsters, demons, dragons and all.

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