Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First post of the New Year

Hello and welcome to the first post of the new year; belated yes, but at least it's here. I am a superstitious person but I shall endeavour to not jinx myself right at the beginning. I believe, irrational and ridiculous as it sounds, that blogging in direct relation to school work always ends up, in my case, in unplesantness in that area. As such, I shall refrain from naming names and allude in obscure ways to the events I want to talk about. Ask me directly if you really want to know.

Anyway, a couple of fantastic happenings and thoughtful lectures have made me begin to enjoy doing my major again. In the end, it is, like all academic focuses, incredibly puddle-like and which makes me understand, now more than ever, people's desire to go on learning, whether in the form of a second degree or a masters or phDs. Either way, I am glad for the good things that have dropped my way so early on in the semester and for lectures that have rekindled my desire for learning and for that I am thankful. I do not know what this year will bring but perhaps, now, I feel as if I can run out and meet it - monsters, demons, dragons and all.


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