Monday, April 02, 2007

5 Things to do to cure essay block

For all those who suffer from that sub-species of writer's block: Essay Block (EB)!
(And also for those who suffer from the further sub-categorisation of EB: specific EB which only targets certain kinds of essays, like literature essays for instance.)

1. Sleep. Divine intervention might just occur, and your essay miraculously saved. Other than that, it's tons better than agonising over it...

2. Get Drunk. There must be a valid reason why artists, with their famous amount of creative juices are also alcholics and smokers... There is... right?

3. Eat Sweet Foods. Eat something sweet; the walk taken in search of food will also do you good.

4. Play Rabbit Games. This doesn't work. It's just fun.

5. Take a Walk, Ladies. The walk will clear the stuffiness from your brains. Besides, walking around in anguish will ensure that no one will disturb your study territory, since they'll avoid you as they think you've gone mad.


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