Thursday, February 22, 2007

Food! or CNY (2)

A list of new year goodies at home:
(In decreasing order of what I like best)

1.Rainbow candy

2.Pepperridge farm's rainbow fish [it's not a traditional goodie but who cares?)

3.Kueh bangkit

4.Cornflake pastry/cookie thing

5.Almond cookie

6.Fragrance bak kwa (Lim Chee Guan has fallen out of the list)

7.Garlic cashew nuts

8.I HATE pineapple tarts

9.melon seeds

10.Kueh lapis (I liked this until I found it it's made solely from egg YOLKS)

11. Prawn rolls - every year, this does not fail to give me a sore throat, hence, I am avoiding these


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