Monday, February 05, 2007

Old hat, new hat and thinking caps

As usual, this blog has become the place which I visit only because I have nothing else to do. However, before my conscience and weird stares at "nothing to do" arrives to bug me, I'll like to point out that I blog here only when nothing else stands in the way of looking at school work and reading boring course packs. Hence, there really is a lot to do. I'm just not doing it.

So, what's this business with the hats. Right. Reviewing all my tutorials to date, I find myself most enamoured by sociology. Ok, maybe "enamoured" is coming on too strong. Perhaps "like" is a better word. Sadly, lit has been ousted from it's cushy "I love Lit no matter what" position and there must be reasons why this is so.

So let me count the ways:
1) I have done lit for two years - almost instinctively the answers and queries are on the right path. Clearly, I have somehow lost the knack for asking literary questions.

2) This, I suspect have to to do with how I am working less hard at it, plus I fear making a fool of myself when I have not said anything remotely stupid about this subject and fear doing so now.

3) It doesn't help either when you think everyone else is smarter and your lit grade has been sliding.

4) New subjects (like sociology): everyone makes a fool of themselves anyway, so... why not?

5) New subjects (like phliosophy): I am thinking too hard to say anything. Plus, they think so fast! Argh!! Someone should invent thinking caps that come with a mental speed booster.

Actually, 5) doesnt count as to why I can't seem to do lit right now: it's just griping. Then, there is 6): I don't enjoy lit class anymore and I think it's the tutor's fault (partly).

It'll be great if lit was the way it used to be, but then again, no progress means no advancement in my love for this subject right?
Haha. I wish!

P.S. I have also decided to label all my posts (past and present and future). It will be an uphill task though.


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