Saturday, September 30, 2006

An observation and commentary (unrelated)

Today, it started raining at approximately 12.30pm. Terrible smell of smoke accompanied the rain. Everything was grey(more than usual)and if you looked clearly, you could see tendrils of smoke with the rain. Must be the first time that I saw such nasty pollution. Eyes are itching too, possibly as a reaction to the smoke which is currently also clogging up my respiratory system.

I went to the library yesterday. With the opening of the Bishan Library (YES!) a significant number of books have been left on the shelf for the newer facilities down the road. Hence, I had a field day picking my way through full shelves. Execellent if not for the fact that I have several papers to write, a number of non paper projects and no time to spare for some of the really good finds (in a damn long time I tell you) that have mysteriously turned up despite the abject mess of the shelves. What is Tom Holt (HOL) doing on an M shelf I ask?
In any case must put that list of books to be read/reread/completed somewhere and it might as well be here. The holidays never seemed so far away. Actually, it isn't, just that I'm procrastinating quite successfully and feel that while i require more time to get assignments done, I also don't want to be kept away from a nice long break.

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (or is the other way round?)
The Prestige, which popped up from nowhere like Magic!
I am a Cat
Anansi Boys
Ender's series (don't remember exact title)
Onion Girl, which makes the list not because I'm dying to read it but because in all my time at that library, it's the first time I've seen it - and it's not new.
(The list seemed longer yesterday)


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