Friday, July 07, 2006

Skeletons in my cupboard

Finished cleaning up one of the 2 cupboards that I had planned to clean. But!
That is merely a third of the war won. You wouldn't believe the amount of junk I threw out. Actually it is believable if I describe them to you. Some of the stuff date back to the time when my age consisted of single digits.
They really had to go.
I mean, it is dead embarrassing for a 18 going on 19 girl to be caught storing pink and white party hats and a huge doll won from a lucky draw in her cupboard... not to mention all those numerous nameless thingys. So, I tidied up of course, peeled down my doll display which I had been so proud of when I was like... 12? I can't even remember when I did that, though I'm still proud of the now gone display.

Now, the upper shelf is devoted to clothes and some books. I'm considering transferring some more clothes from my 2nd cupboard over as the latter is threatening to smoulder me in a T-shirt-jeans-underwear-skirts avalanche one of these days. OK. Consider that done. haha. Eh. I'm so lame.
I think I'm never throwing out my Phy/Chem books. Though I've already disposed of my upper secondary Geog text since it is virtually useless, even as toilet paper. If you geog electives out there can still recall, that geog textbook was made of the shittiest (no pun intended) paper ever. You can't doodle on it. You most certainly can't use it for toilet paper. And most importantly, it wasn't a very good textbook. How frustrating could it get?


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