Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Off Line of Duty to Customers n such

You cannot imagine what it feels like to finally leave your part-time job behind you. For instance, I decided to finally risk looking at the damage that nearly half a year's worth of washing up did to my fingers. I think I can safely say that my right finger knuckles have thickened, and it looks wider than those of my left hand, which has led a sheltered life since Fate decreed that I was going to be right-handed. Ok. Actually, I'm taking it better than what it looks here.

On the other hand, the day after I quit, my mummy descends on me with a long forgotten list of cleaning that had been pushed back due to my job. One type of cleaning up to another. Frankly I don't know which is worse. It's not that I'm dirty or like living in a hovel (as my mum likes to call the room that I and my sis share) but that I am incapable of tidying up, and more importantly, maintaining the level of neatness that my mum can tolerate. Books have a mysterious habit of spilling out by themselves. I wish I can attribute it to my neighbour who screams at her children everyday and I can hear her even when I'm sleeping in my room. It must have terrified my books seeing as they and their owner share a remarkably low level of patience for people who scream at their children be it to fetch their school things, correcting homework errors or to settle petty sibling squabbles. I actually HEAR what they are saying. Hah. I'm digressing again aren't I?

But seriously, now that I'm off work there isn't anything for me to do. One wonders if I should take up that offer from a hotel manager that I got last Sunday and pick up part-time work again. Nah. I'm hapy to bum around at home, and there is still two cupboards and a shelf to clean up, and possibly my secondary school stuff to throw out if I happen to be in the mood. I'm a sentimentalist and I can't bear to throw away that stupid Physics/Chem TYS.

I shall probably think of something to do. Like read some more. Currently, Sense & Sensibility is sitting at home trying its best to catch my eye. My quest to understand why Jane Austen is so good at what she does (and what exactly it is that she is so good at) is still an ongoing one. Various people have tried to explain to me why it is so good, but I like to read more and find out for myself. There are 6 other books at home, and the only one that I've completed is 'Notes form an Even Smaller Island' by Neil Humphreys. It is quite funny. It is also the thinnest. Makes me apreciate home a little more eh? Maybe you would too if you read it... Try the libraries. They stock an astonishing number of that book.

Well. You'll probably see more of me. I mean seeing as I am bored enough oops. I mean have more time to blog from now on. Do remember to leave a message. I might actually reply.


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