Saturday, October 22, 2005

Work work work

Truly. The problem with rain is that it is wet. How many times have you admired the rain, enjoying the blessedly cool and windy days it brings, only to be pissed off once you step out of your house, right into a fat puddle that soaks your shoes and make your feet gross and miserable? Ah well.

These few days have been wet. I suppose that said is enough.

Life at this time of the year is appalling. Am so sick of studying. I guess I feel like a pair of soaked shoes on a rainy day - wet and cold. What a dampener revision is. How many times have I felt so dissatisfied this week? With myself, with my FOOD and life in general. I won't say it cam't get worse because it CAN, which is why I feel so immobile. More studying means more pain and stress. Less studying means I'll die for the A's. So yup. Can't move forward can't move backwards. Know it hurts to advance but it hurts just as much to be left behind.

Am freaked out. So little little time... Ironically enough for regrets but not studying harder. Sometimes I wonder why we all work so hard. It kills the joy of learning. Learning is supposed to be fun, so why do I hate revising what I've learnt? Maybe because I hate looking back? Dun think so. Maybe its because revision is just plain boring. Yes that will be it. And also you never know what is going to come out for your exams.

Huh. Round and round we go. Never getting out of the system.


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