Saturday, October 29, 2005

One of those days

I wonder what takes to wake you up.

I suppose that I should have an exciting account of what goes on in my life, but frankly, I sometimes wonder what IS the point of my blog? I suppose I should say that I'm not the sort with lofty aspirations, and that this blog is no place for social commentary, media mongery or even political speculation.

Looking back, I'm just one of those bloggers who merely started well, blogging simply because I'm the selfish sort who needs to put her views somewhere. Yup. A sort of diary which my thoughts go into. However, I think that blogging goes beyond this rather self-centered view, even if it started out like this... I really must thank my blog for keeping my temper in check.

You lovely readers wouldn't see it. I haven't cracked in a public zone since Oz, and then today, if you can call it public since the only witnesses are myself and my baka sister. All that mental shouting, all that bitching and all that physical pulling and screaming could have been a lot worse if I didn't have an outlet. It can be so satisfying to think up the most miserable punishments for your idiot sibling and then posting it to the world. If Angelo is concerned about his rep, then my sweet sis is even more so.

I think it is very nice if I can just splash my "intended" exploits here, but I shall not.

Blogging is not meant for the self. It is for others too. I don't mean you all are pesky voyeurs. It just means that the Internet is made that way. It's something that one realises after a while. No one can stop others from prying [even if they try Haha].

My stint as an anoyamous tagger just proves that we are all a) busybodies b) A Levels turn us into nut cases and in my case, a sadist. Haha.

Well. gtg. Happy Halloween, folks.


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