Saturday, July 19, 2008


Insomnia Forgotten
As the sky dims, the clouds recede softly into the lengthening darkness. Down below, across the slanted bars, each window gleams, a bright faceted gem framed by concrete and steel. The descending night gently draws back a curtain of lightly falling rain, each raindrop forming a crisp rap against exposed surfaces. The shower quickens abruptly, and the rap becomes a swift rush of water from above, glinting silver and gold, melting hard lines, soldering them to the running rivulets of water making their quick way down the edges of rooftops and drainpipes. Sleep washes over, a comforting coverlet brought by the distant hiss of a car on wet roads while the last swallow of the evening chirps faintly; a sound to drift away from, insomnia forgotten.


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