Thursday, November 09, 2006


A Short Play by yours truly.
As opposed to a Looooong Post.

Note: The authoress delines to associate herself with the characters you will meet below. Whether they are fictional or not will be up to you.

8:48pm: The brain. There are two white armchairs facing each other across a small table, also white. The furniture is set in a square room with 3 walls, all painted gray. One of the armchair has a box, also white in colour on it. The front of the room is "open" to the audience, i.e. no wall. ficklemiss enters stage right, and sits in the empty armchair.

ficklemiss: [looks around nervously] Did you hear that?

A loud burst of crackling interference from the white box is heard, and ficklemiss jumps nervously again

The other voice in my head (hereafter known as ToViMH): No, hear what?

ficklemiss: Shh! I heard something...didn't you?

ToViMH: No...can't you see I've no ears?

ficklemiss: Ooh! I heard it again! [springs up agitatedly and runs to hide beside the armchair]

ToViMH: I REALLY don't hear anything...

ficklemiss: [peeking from the armchair to stare at ToViMH accusingly] Listen shh!

ToViMH: Wait! I heard something... what's that odd sound?

ficklemis: Elementary, my dear Watson - it's the voice of Hysteria! [laughs]


Can't the weekend breeze by? I'm agonising for Monday to come. Damned 24 hr marathon. If we are going to do badly...I'm going to cry...


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