Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A Looooong Post

In honour of a friend (who asked for a post), and since it IS her b-day, it'll be a long one. So bear with me.

Thus! We shall begin with Su.Z's very first Looooong Post!!
It was a fine day, as most days are regardless of whatever you may be feeling, which as it happened, can be put simply with this facial expression: a long face. So, to cut a lengthy story short, let's just get on with this verbose post...

This morning, my train journey was delayed for some mysterious reason. Now, I run on a tight schedule trying to get to school on time, and I could not be more relieved when the train started moving after a protracted wait in the dark tunnel. Miraculously, I got to class in time, but that was after a ridiculously ardous climb up Biz Fac. What a horrible place filled with continuous flights of stairs!
So, after a drawn-out day at school, with the end finally in sight, me and a pal decided to take a bus down to Harbourfront for ice-cream. Luckily the slow journey was made better by the unusual perspective provided by us sitting on the upper-deck of the bus. Now, I've never sat on the upper-deck of Bus 10 before, and the view was amazingly different. Makes all the difference when you are tall, I suppose... ...you feel like you are towering over all that strectched out expanse of shorter shophouses before us.

Unfortunately, there wasn't any good ice-cream place at Harbourfront, so we both decided to train down to PS. Yay! Ice-cream! That sweet delight is all the more enticing after that absurdly roundabout bus/train ride. I ordered a Frosted Malt Choc (I think that's what's it's called). It has been noted that prolonged starvation makes food taste way better, and it's true when FNALLY, my sweet treat which I had yearned for appeared magically from thin air in front of me!
Of course not. Duh. What happened to thanking the waiter/waitress who served you your long-awaited meal? Too long has it been since we all indulged in a little courtesy!

We had a wordy discussion on haunted houses (halloween may be over, but it wasn't that way back ago) while waiting for the food to arrive. When it did, we spent so much time laughing that we took an extended time trying to finish our ice-cream.

Well, I got home soon after that. Now, my only desire is that I somehow wrap this post up tidily and go off to bed without typing my fingers off! What a terribly draggy day!


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