Thursday, March 09, 2006

A New Start

It has been a week and a day since we all got our A Level results. Some of us would have jumped for joy, others feeling a little (or a lot) less bubbly. I guess we all have some idea of where we would like to go from now on. It seems like I've been living in limbo for the past few weeks till last Wednesday, worrying on the path that my future would take, everything that could happen hinging so much on that little piece of paper. Now that that is over, I can look forward to a new beginning.

Some of us will be going to NS, others working. And then what? I'll always miss my NY days. My secondary school days. Primary school, sad to say, I was too happy to leave behind. I would never have anticipated some of the paths chosen by my friends, and I am only glad that despite our irritatingly different timetables, we still keep in touch. I hope I can do the same with my jc mates. We are all walking to different tunes now. Some of course are marching to them. Heh. That was lame. Sorry. I hope that wherever we plan to go from now on, we'll still be able to keep in touch.


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