Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Library Books

There are library books that are perpetually on the shelves and there are library books you never get to see. Then, give that book a little publicity, say a movie or an author book signing at Borders and Kinokuniya and voila! The book, which was frequently unborrowed becomes a MUST-HAVE. Check out Howl's Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones a couple of weeks before and after Miyazaki's film adaptation came to screens here. The book became an instant hit and practically every copy was borrowed out or reserved. As for the Lord of the Rings mania a couple of years back, I thought, since I couldn't buy the book (as they were all sold out), I'll borrow them. Guess what. I was number 143 on the waiting list. I am (still am) wondering if the whole of Singapore suddenly morphed into classic literary critics. The fact that known fantasy buffs have been unable to complete half of Vol 1 makes me wonder if others have sold their still glossy copies to the Karang Guni Man (rag & bone seller) or are forcing their kids to read them because it is a "good book".

The fact is, the current mini wave caused by the arrival of Neil Gaiman, fantasy writer extraordinaire has resulted in a sudden flurry of his books being borrowed or reserved. For instance, "American Gods" is one of those perpetual unborrowed books. Now they are all borrowed. Publicity can do wonders. It makes me wonder why the book wasn't attractive by itself. Was it the ugly cover? I will admit that I like a book with a nice cover. Maybe that explains it, maybe it doesn't. Anyway, I'll just leave it here, most probably to rot or something.
That in other words mean THINK ABOUT IT.


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