Friday, February 26, 2010


When I had my old Nokia, and this was years ago, I had a snooze button that actually worked. With any length of time I could choose to set, the snooze buzzer was set at 20mins interval. This was an excellent choice as I soon realised 20 mins was neither here nor there. It was both too long and too short and the discomfort of it made sure I more often than not, awake before that button even had a chance to work. Irritated by the thought of being rudely awakened at the 20 min mark - which is about just the time for me to get properly asleep (again), I get up to switch off the thing before it has a chance to grate my ears a second time. Getting up. Clicking many buttons to disable the snooze function. Who wouldn't actually stay up. Your eyes may be drooping and your actions slow, but you're more or less conscious and in the realm of being awake.

But those were the days. My Sony Ericsson, as all SEs, have only ONE option for the snooze buttong. 9 minutes. Too short by far. I keep falling asleep. Repeatedly even after I set two alarms, each with their respective 9 min snooze. I end up waking an hour after my alarm goes off. Or later. It doesn't work. Maybe that's the point of the SE snooze button, it not working. But maybe it does for some people. Perhaps I've been pampered by the 20 min snooze, or I'm feeling my age. Or maybe it's FY-Syndrome. Whatever the reason[s], I am sleeping in more, and it grates slightly that I'm getting up later and later than I want to.


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