Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Awwww Factor

A couple of days ago, I was at the Pet Safari with mum and sis oogling the hamsters and puppies. Suffice to say, it took all my powers to resist the very squeal worthy adorableness of the puppies on sale. Most of them were about 3 months old and very very. very appealing. So much so that I had to tell myself, "You are a cat person! You. Are. A. Cat. Person!" This silent mantra to the self was promptly forgotten the minute two of the Schnauzer puppies got into a mini tussle and I spotted this very dignified looking Japanese Spitz puppy in the glass enclosure* below them. There was also this Shih Tzu puppy that had its tail in its food dish and was sniffing said tail in a puzzled manner. Heh. And so we three oohed and ahhed at the puppies for goodness knows how long and while neither my mum or sis displayed any outward anguish at struggling against their inner cat nature, that is, if they have one. I was telling myself fiercely that these were all Just Evil Distractions That Are Too Cute For Their Own Good. The part of my brain that wasn't simulataneously ooogling them happily while mentally screaming in stress decided that I ought to just enjoy the cuteness of puppies on the basis of themselves and not any initial prejudice I might have been harbouring. And so that was what I did.

I still want a cat if I ever get my own abode. That doesn't change one bit. I adore cats for reasons that do not, as I realise while drafting this post a few days ago, pertain to the cuteness/adorableness/puppiness of them (the awww factor, you can call it), but for a certain...cattiness about them. There isn't a way to put it other than that cats tug at different heart strings for me.

*You will have to pardon the authoress. She is clearly in denial that this glass enclosure is in fact a cage.


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