Thursday, April 13, 2006

Different kinds of Exhaustion

There is physical exhaustion, and then there is mental burnout. These are the two most common ailments of youth today. A further inspection will reveal that there are in actual, a variety of "exhaustion" and sub-categories.

For instance - Exhaustion to the point of boredom, and boredom to the point of feeling a general sense of lethargy aka GcE (Gradual change to Exhaustion)...

Also there is frustration, a lack of goal in life which also results in a slightly nastier version known as "I'm so sick of my life"... (usually mentioned in accordance to work life) which brings about the said physical exhaustion and/or mental burnout.

Of course there are also that blessed few which are happily exhausted which is usually brought about by physically and intellectually challenging things like projects, school and cca.

These are just some of the things in life that are currently bugging me. Get me haribo anyday (it's one of those sweets u can eat regularly without being sick of them), or failing that, werther's original (which u can get sick of soon) or even that, ricola's elderflower lozenges and then again... how about one of those imaginary chocolate confectionary from "Chocolat"?? Actually beard papa's is just fine. Or was it bread papa's?? Funny how candy makes u feel so much better emotionally. I suppose it's the after effect of reading PY's blog. All that talk about candy there. Skool's fun. Lucky all those who relief teach or are still in an educational instituition.


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