Monday, May 23, 2005

My New Blog [duh]

Ok..a major milestone for this unhi-tech person. To get a few things straight, one, I apologise for the hideous look of this blog, which will be amended and redemmed once I get to it. Next, I hope you'll enjoy [or pardon, depending] the nonsense I spill out into this little space of mine. This blog is where I I let loose myself because there really isn't anyone stopping me. Not really true but at least its a place I can escape to. Already I sound like a schizophrenic case..the fact that it is the TV premier of A Beautiful Mind going on right now doesn't help either. What helps is that it is a public holiday tomorrow though I find that I shall be up at some unearthly hour to play badminton with an old friend of mine. She claims it would be too hot to play after 10. 1As in 10AM. What joy. No is meet up with ye olde friends is a joy that I find I seldom get enough of. People I want to see, I don't get to. People I Don't want to see I do..but that as they say is Life. A lot we like to think are blamed on 'Life' or Fate or whatever. And so shall we go on with this. Ciao for now.


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