Monday, November 21, 2005

Much Better

Am feeling much better. Feel more emotionally stable. Health wise, I can't say. Think I've really caught the cold damn it. Great. After feeling shitty last Friday (seeing Tom Stoppard didn't make me feel any better) went home after Lit and found that nose decided to leak blood. Yay. Eew. The memory isn't disgusting but the thought of a bloody nose is. Now, I've improved to possessing a leaky nose reminiscient of the leaky tap at home.

Anyways, I'll be doing a boring report of my trip to the library in months!! Yes! It was lovely since I found 2 out of that very long reading list in tht prev post. It's Charles de Lint's Spirits in the Wires and Middlesex (Jeffery Eugenides I think; didn't bother to look properly yet). Both of them, along with this 3-in-1 trilogy were enormous heavy and utterly cumbersome. Ended up loading them all the way to KFC and then around Serangoon buying food home. Huh... I must remind all librarians that however hardy hard covers are, they sure are not user friendly. They are muderous weapons. You can kill if you hit someone with them.

The 3rd which coincidentally isn't on my list of to read bks is the "Riddle-Master" trilogy by Patricia A. McKillip. It draws on the LOTR and the love of riddling that is especially important in "The Hobbit", which is the prequel to LOTR. Sadly, there isn't a way to join in the riddling since you'll have absoulutely no idea of the history of the land which is quite obviously like Middle-Earth - make believe. However, that doesn't mean the riddles are insignificant, on the other hand, the riddles are really what drives the plot onwards.

Nevertheless, it is highly entertaining trying to keep one step ahead of the plot and solve the ultimate riddle spanning the 3 books, which is umm. I won't tell you what it is. Lovely book though, which also draws on typical viking-nish scenery of tall, craggy mountains, vast halls of Kings, dressed in substantial furs against the icy backdrop. Those at least were the most memorable scenes for me. Fellow readers are free to dispute of course.

However, the ending was a bit sucky. I felt that it was rather abrupt and the battle scenes passed too quickly over. You get the feel that the author is trying to condense an epic into too short a tale. However apart from that, I enjoyed it - a good old-fashioned fantasy tale.


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