Saturday, January 06, 2007

School Reopening!

Back to school, as usual. When I think about it, I've been in school (different ones of course) for over a decade. How appalling.
6 years in primary school
4years in secondary school
2 years in a junior college
and ___ years to go in university.
In all: 12 full years and one semester (less than 6 months) of academia so far.

Funny how it took 6 years to NOT miss school holidays and dread school. Thank you, secondary school then. And then I think of how it's been like all those years - maths, chinese (horrors). I have the greatest respect for my mother tongue - it's just that it is beyond my grasp; so, come to think about it, is logic. Er. 12 years and what do I have to show for it? School's back - another round of reading (ugh), research (ugh) and essays and projects (double ugh).

Here are my modules for next semester as proof of the amount of reading amd thinking involved. Come to think of it, thinking is hard work too...
Daoism and Confucianism [Qn: WHY am I doing this when I don't even like the idea of patriarchy??]
Film art - an Introduction. [yay!]
Film and Cultural Texts [May I be more consumer savvy with this module.]
Soci [duh.]
Geog [please oh please don't make me go on field trips!! The hot sun...rocky paths...icky humid air...]

Well, at least, with 12 years of studying and exams, tests, pop quizzes and such other "surprises" I can safely say I am as unprepared as I was 12 years ago. A new semester of surprises awaits... not to mention that it's a new year. Whoop.


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