Clarification no.1: I do NOT like caterpillars - whether they come in red, black, matching green or modish black n white stripes. Or spots. Or checks. Or whatevers.
Update no.1: My opinion of my current modules as it now stands:
Classical Chinese Philosophy: bewildering and expensive
Geography: I miss geog! What a welcome opportunity for nostalgia and the gd ol' jc days!
Soci: Neutral.
Intro to Film Art: I don't know and I don't care. (See below for explanation)
Genes and Society: Somebody shoot me so I don't have to do this module. Plus. It's expensive.
Film n Cultural Txts: Likewise: a "somebody shoot me situation". It's not expensive though.
What lovely weather we've been having... and I've watched my first film in Spanish! Pan's Labryinth is an excellent film, hence I shall weather Film n Cultural txts because in some vague, currently unknown way, this module will help me better my movie/film watching experience. I can't wait for this semester to end already!
Update no.2: 10 reasons why I should like media studies.
It's er. updated.
It's interesting.
Helps you be consumer aware.
Helps me update myself with the hottest tv programmes, and media trends
It's a little bit like soci and I am neutral to soci.
It's a good break from airy fairy lit.
Some ppl must like it. Pity it isn't me.
One should diversify from dusty moth eaten books [NEVER!]
I like film
I hate ads (now I'll know why)
Clarification no. 2: If it sounds forced, it's only because I'm prejudiced, and am trying to like it. Do help me out by adding on to this list. A semester of surprises indeed.