Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Summer Movie Report Card


And hello again! It's your friendly blogger pal Ms Fickle again!!

Now, having exhausted verbally abusing X-Men: The Last Stand to all those long suffering souls out there, let's just say that while it was a really cool movie and all that, I do really really wish that the director focused more on developing the characters and their relationships rather than exhibiting his prowness with pyrotechnics. What with blazing cars that sail above the protagonists and collapsing iconic American bridges, I think we KNOW what Mr. Ratner is capable of... Wait! Did I mention that those scenes in which Jean Grey uses her awesome psychic powers are really cool too? Hah.

I think X-Men was one of those early comic hero adaptations that actually worked. No one really wants to see them as perfect. It was always their imperfections, being flawed and very human that connected me to them. It's so much easier to relate to a flawed character than sleek fighting machines. At least that is so for me. Depth? What happened to depth??? All ths same, it was a jolly good summer blockbuster. It just wasn't a good enough ending to a well loved movie trilogy, though kappa IS right in saying that there is no way they could continue this even if the whole world begged for a sequel. Well, if you ask me they can always go backwards like Star Wars.
Ha. ha.
Action? Check.
Romance? Check.
Epic-scale fight? Check.
Comic bits? Check.
A-List actors/actresses? Check.
Optional: Really angsty, tragic and tough issues? Umm.


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