Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Down the Dark Side

So. I went to watch Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith. Which is unlike me because I've told myself and everyone that it disgusted me. I didn't like Anakin Skywalker - he remainded me of a certain Shakespearian French prince I'd detested. Dear ol' Hamlet and Anakin have SO much in common; for instance that fetish for black which undoubtedly a cool, fashion trend defining colour is really ugh. For another thing both decide to lose their heads after the death of a close family member. Really, one would think George Lucas is a present day Shakespeare of sorts.

But then again, I am forced to say that after watching the movie, it was cool. Not once did I yawn or plead earnestly for it to end, except ironically, maybe at the ending which was totally predictable because someone HAD the fine idea to produce a saga backwards,prequel last. I am sidetracking...the merits of the movie could be summed up thus: the lightsaber battles can only be described as "Whoa"..lots more villians and one to one battles ...more than makes up for the not very unique storyline. But lets not put it that way either...Let not the story define the character but characters define the story...On the whole I'll say it wasn't bad..just not to my taste.
So how did I end up watching a movie that I had no intention of watching..even if a dozen monsters were clutching at my heels? Well..it begins with my journey to the inhospitable place that is the Singapore Zoological Gardens..my sis's fine idea (not this sworn couch potatoe's) on a day where upon arriving at the said godforsaken ulu corner of our island it started to pour. I make that clear- pour. Not rain. We gave up and went home in spirits that were probably as damp as our current weather conditions.
So I got blackmailed into going to the movies because my sis refused to go alone with only my mum for company. Guess which cinema? My mum picked Balestier - another godforsaken location which has yummy wanton noodles. There must be something about eating food from inconvenient locations. The stress and time required to get to the place must account for that extra special flavour. Oh joy..what a great way to end a great day. And as they say: May the force be with you...(Why do I complain??)


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