Monday, March 26, 2007

Chat with Su.Z

Me: Hello myself, how have you been?

Moi: Not very good I'm afraid. Why?

Me: Oh...nothing...I'm just sick and tired of my essays, work...MORE essays

Moi: Dear's not like I have it better. For instance, I'm talking to myself...

Me & Moi: True.

Monday, March 19, 2007

A Lame Joke. Don't take me seriously.

nus: rhymes with "moose", and spells like "nose"

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Wanted: One blue, heart-shaped earring, lost on campus, between Art and Science Faculty, following the shuttle route: A1/A2.
Disappeared between the time of 1200h-1800h

Reward: My heartfelt gratitude. And MAYBE lunch [not from tent].

Damn you cashcard stealer!!
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